Classic Film Review: Gladiator (2000)

Commodus: “The General who became a slave; the slave who became a gladiator; the gladiator who defied an Emperor. Striking story…”

Striking story it is, and it brought to life in an equally striking way. Despite the historical inaccuracies, Gladiator still stands as one of Ridley Scott’s, as well as most of the cast’s, finest films, and one of my personal favourites of all time. Of course there are historical inaccuracies, it is a Hollywood movie after all, but the film simply draws on factual characters and events and amalgamates them into one semi-fictional plot. It’s unlikely that you haven’t seen the film so there’s no point rambling through the plot. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s summed up pretty well in the opening quote above. It is the cast however that makes the movie, with most providing highlight performances of their career. Russell Crowe plays the part of Maximus brilliantly, convincing in his portrayal of a deeply hurt and vengeful man, stopping at nothing to avenge the death of his mentor and friend Marcus Aurelius, and of course his murdered wife and child. Connie Nielsen plays the part of Lucilla, a widow trying to protect her son from her brother Commodus, played by Joaquin Phoenix. Some critics have suggested a quirkier actor may have been more suited to this role. Personally, I think Phoenix is ideal in this role, undoubtedly sure of himself as a jealous, petty, and dangerous Emperor, his madness and bloodlust perhaps more reminiscent of Nero or Caligula.

One of the highlights has of course got to be Hans Zimmer’s incredible score. Although there was controversy over Zimmer’s “borrowing” from the like of Gustav Holst, the score still stands as one of his best. Not only does it compliment perfectly the onscreen action, but take the visual element away and it still retains its powerful effect.

Very close to, if not top of, my favourite film list for both the movie and the soundtrack.

4 Responses to “Classic Film Review: Gladiator (2000)”
  1. Giving honor to the entire cast for the Gladiator, in response to the question asked by Maximus / Russell Crowe: “Are you not entertained?””

    YES! DUDE! I was definitely entertained!!

    But it was the Hans Zimmer music that made the movie complete!

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